Hi, I'm Khoa.

A full-stack engineer with experiences on co-founding a few startups.
Email: [email protected]

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Current project

Surround is an iOS app for playing Go online on the Online Go Server (OGS).

Notable past projects

I co-founded Christina's, together with its siblings Onetrip, The Joi Factory, and Cmego back in 2014. I was the only technical person for the first year, then the company scaled up quickly, and I was working as CTO until late 2019. During that time, the technology team grown from 1 person to 20+ people, and the company grown to 450+ people spanning across 8 cities in Vietnam. Here's some history.

In 2013, I co-founded triip.me, a platform connecting travelers and local tour guide (now known as Triip Experiences), and worked as Chief Engineer for more than a year. During that time, the platform grown from nothing to hundred of tour listings in dozens of cities.

© 2021 honganhkhoa.com